Go to a restaurant owned, managed, and staffed by women. The restaurant restroom will be large, sanitary, with a functioning commode that is clean. The floor will be dry. The walls will papered and regularly washed. There will be a large, sleek porcelain basin, a soap dispenser with soap, and ample paper towels. A scent dispenser will be plugged into a wall outlet.
Go to an automobile/gasoline service station owned, managed, and staffed by men. The station's restroom will look like a hundred-year old outhouse blown apart by a terrorist's grenade. The floor will be wet and sticky. The walls will be flecked with excrement. The commode will be filthy, caked with excrement, wet with urine splatters. And unflushed. The toilet seat will be raised, broken, and caked with grime. There will be a basin, but only the cold water faucet functions. There will be no towels. The hot air blower/dryer will not work. The restroom will smell like, well, like an outhouse.
Lesson: Don't eat at an automobile/gasoline service station.
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