Time to take a look, for the early warning signs are up.
Here is Obama's position statement on Israel.
Here is a recent statement that Israel must remain a Jewish state and that the so-called "Palestinians" do not have a right to return in Israel.
Listen to what he says; but see who his friends and associates are and watch what he does.
Revised. January 28, 2008.
I have provided a running chronicle of information, as it arrives, about Obama's stance on Israel, below in the updates.
See also my running updates on my post on Obama's foreign policy advisors--bad news for Israel.
Updated. February 25, 2008. Obama's foreign policy advisors are anti-Israel.
Updated. February 25, 2008. Nader says Obama was pro-Palestinian when in Illinois legislature.
Updated. February 26, 2008. Obama's talk in Cleveland to Jewish leaders raises questions, because of the words and labels he chooses. Words matter!
Updated. February 27, 2008. A strong defense of Obama's support of Israel and criticism of Obama's critics on Israel is published in the Jerusalem Post.
Updated. March 21, 2008. Obama was critical of Israel and strongly supportive of the Palestinians when he was in the Illinois Senate.
Update. March 25, 2008. Obama's military advisor (McPeak) is anti-Israel. (Thanks to Atlas Shrugs.) Here is Powerline's view of McPeak.
Update. March 28, 2008. Regular Obama contributor supports one-state solution to the conflict between Israel and the so-called "Palestinians" that would effectively end the Jewish state. (Thanks to Atlas Shrugs).
Update. April 9, 2008. In his article, "Is Obama committed to Israel's survival?" (American Thinker, April 9, 2008), Bruce Walker argues that Obama's participation in and indirect allegiance to the "Black rage school of politics", in which irrational anti-semitism is a prominent feature, leave open the question whether he would, as President, do what has to be done to ensure Israel's survival should an existential threat to that nation suddenly emerge.
Update. April 10, 2008. Obama adds new advisors. One, a former US Ambassador to Israel, looks friendly to Israel on the face of it, but check behind the smile and his views often favor the so-called "Palestinians" and are harmful to Israel. At American Thinker.
Update. April 10, 2008. The Los Angeles Times reports that Obama's close relations with Rashid Khalidi, and other verbal slips, have encouraged the so-called "Palestinians" to believe he will favor them if he is President.
(As a side note, the LA Times utilized closely, without acknowledgment, a blog article on Obama by Debbie Schlussel, along with an interview, also not acknowledged, with Schlussel. More dishonesty from Southern California's largest circulation newspaper. [We cancelled our Times' subscription of 34 years last December.])
Update. April 10, 2008. In an interview to JTA, Obama says that a [so-called] Palestinian state must be "contiguous". What does he know of boundaries of Israel and the geography of the region? The only way that Gaza and the West Bank could be contiguous would be for Israel to be cut in half. Is that what he is prepared to advocate?
Update. April 11, 2008. Obama, like the rest of us, must be known by the company we keep. Astute Bloggers reports on Obama's association with so-called "Palestinians" and their anti-Israeli supporters.
Update. April 30, 2008. Obama's former pastor, Rev. Wright, has views on Israel that are not friendly, whereas his views on so-called "Palestinians" are friendly. He takes his information from an organization, Americans for Middle-East Understanding, that is distinctly biased against Israel. This milieu of bias against Israel was part of the Trinity Church which Obama attended for two decades.
Update. May 7, 2008. The pro-Arab views of Obama's advisors should worry Jews.
Update, June 5, 2008. Obama talks tough and supportive of Israel to AIPAC, but does he really mean it? I'm not convinced.
Update. June 5, 2008. Jerusalem Post article compares McCain's and Obama's policy views on the Middle East, including their views on Israel.
Update. June 6, 2008. In just one day, Obama backs away from his strong words favoring an undivided Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Update. June 6, 2008. Barack Obama is a close friend--frequently having family dinners--with Khalidi--formerly member of the PLO whose pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel views appears to have influenced Obama's vision of Israel and even Obama's phrases in his foreign policy talking points. See the Fox News report, below (five minutes long). (Thanks to Atlas Shrugs.)
Update. June 11, 2008. Obama's anti-military posture and desire to reduce drastically America's research and spending on military technology and upgrading America's fighting forces would directly threaten Israel by reducing the advanced arms available to Israel to purchase from us, at a time when the oil-rich Middle Eastern Muslim states are spending their money on advanced Russian armaments. From Ed Lasky at American Thinker.
Update. June 13, 2008. Rick Richman in American Thinker analyzes Obama's speech to AIPAC, showing that it is not nearly as favorable to Israel's interests as it sounded when he delivered it. Another case of "pretty words, ugly sentiments"?
Update. June 24, 2008. John Bolton, formerly US ambassador to the United Nations, argues that, if Obama wins the presidency, Israel will be compelled to attack Iran's nuclear weapons plants between before Obama's inauguration. The reason? Once Obama is in office, US support for a military strike would probably evaporate. Obama would want to try more talk-talk diplomacy, which would give Iran the final months it needs to complete its nuclear bombs.
Update. July 14, 2008. More clarification from Obama that he didn't really mean that Jerusalem should be undivided and in Israeli control as a part of the capital of sovereign Israel. He does think Jews are suckers.
Update. July 18, 2008. Obama as collected a group of about 300 foreign policy advisers, according to the New York Times. It is difficult to see any overall direction to this collection, but several indications of future policies are evident. First, the foreign policy apparataus from the Bill Clinton presidency is floating to the top of the pool. The Clintonian advisers were not strong supporters of Israel, and were prepared to demand that Israel go the extra mile to give the Palestinians everything they wanted. Second, the advisers as a group are more interested in Africa than the Middle East. It is not clear how they will grapple with the religious issues of Africa, since Islam is at the center of the various totalitarian, authoritarian, genocidal, inter-tribal warfare, and social chaos that engulf much of east Africa. My guess is that, as in Kosovo, they will present themselves as friends of Islam and that tone will cast itself over their views of and dealings with Israel. Third, if Bush can't magically create an Israel-Palestinian settlement, as of course he won't, my guess is that, if Obama is elected, Obama's foreign policy group will seek to ingratiate themselves with Islam by pounding on Israel.
Update. July 23, 2008. Obama's slip, "Israel is a strong friend of Israel's", made in Jordan on his trip, reveals a hidden anti-Israel meaning. Read my analysis, here.
Update. July 24, 2008. In Israel, Obama states that his policy toward Israel and Jerusalem is the same as President Bill Clinton's. Here is a rendition of Clinton's betrayl of Israel and the notion that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel (hint: Clinton refused to move the US embassy to Jerusalem).
Update. July 25, 2008. Here is the Jerusalem Post's account of Obama's interview with its editor. Obama's statements are notable for his firm commitment to ending Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank and for his inclination to make Jerusalem the Palestinian capital and to give a Palestinian state the boundaries before the 1967 war. I think the interview positions Obama somewhat to the left of Bill Clinton's view of the conflict between Israel and the so-called "Palestinians"; see Caroline Glick's column for this date on this issue. Israel is unlikely, under Obama, to see the kind of support it received from President Bush up to the 2006 Lebanon War (after which Bush's apparent disappointment in Olmert led to the softening of that earlier support of Israel).
Update. September 1, 2008. Obama accepts the support of the Black Panther Party. The Black Panthers are anti-semitic, anti-Israel race haters. Watch this video.
Update. September 1, 2008. Obama's VP running mate, Senator Biden, apparently told Israeli officials behind closed doors, that, if Obama becomes President, Israel will have to accept a nuclear-armed Iran. Pay attention, Israel and Jews: If Obama becomes President, we walk one more step into 1938.
Update. September 28, 2008. Obama's views on Israel are contrasted with McCain's point-by-point by an expert on Middle East affairs.
Update. October 13, 2008. Ben Shapiro's excellent 3-part video, "The Jewish Case Against Obama", referenced in Atlas Shrugged.
Update. October 14, 2008. Jesse Jackson, whose family is close to the Obamas, says that, if elected president, Barack Obama will end the US's "Israel first" Middle East foreign policy.
Update. November 4, 2008. Did Obama promise Abbas his support for a divided Jerusalem? A Lebanese newspaper reports he did and requested Abbas keep the promise a secret. (Thanks to Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugged.)
Update. November 14, 2008. Caroline Glick reviews actions and indications of Obama's stance toward Israel since the election. Now that the Jewish vote in Florida has been captured and helped gain a Florida victory, and the presidency won, Obama is moving rapidly, but quietly, to abandon Israel to Iran and the Palestinians.
Update. November 23, 2008. Obama's views on the Middle East are influenced by Brent Scowcroft, a "realist", who favors deal-making over ideological or moral commitments. Scowcroft sees the Israel-(so-called)Palestinian conflict as central to the problems of the Middle East. Resolution of it would solve a host of other problems in the region, in his view. Look for Obama to pressure Israel to concede a lot to the Palestinians in the hope a deal might be made between them.
Update. June 21, 2010. Gateway Pundit reviews Obama's mentor at Columbia, anti-semitic, anti-Zionist professor, Edward Sa'id, in order to publish a new photo of Sa'id in action. In this photo from 2000, the professor is in southern Lebanon, hurling rocks at Israeli soldiers.
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