As Freud would say, all slips of the tongue are meaningful and not mistakes. Some part of Obama's mind was telling the truth with the slip. Obama clearly meant, consciously, to say, the United States is a strong friend of Israel's. But he didn't say that. In fact, as he continued to talk, extemporaneously from Jordan, on his trip, he had the opportunity in the next several verbal sentences to correct his mistake by replacing the pronoun "It" with the name, The United States; but he did not. It seems to me that the slip indicates that he actually intends that, if elected, under his administration, the US would be out of the picture and the only strong friend Israel would have would be Israel, itself. He did, after all, visit Jordan and Ramallah before he showed up in Jerusalem at the King David Hotel. He rushed to reassure the Muslims, both "Palestinian" societies, and in his slip let the Israelis know where they stand in his mind. Jews who care about Israel would be fools to vote for Obama.
See also: Gateway Pundit has another revealing episode about Obama's loyalties, not to Jews, during his visit to Israel.
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