The discussion of national health care reform has not mentioned (in what I have read) whether a number of issues are being discussed which concern me. I list the following items to bring them some attention.
Mandatory, universal health care insurance should include coverage for all persons of:
- insurance portability (eliminate COBRA, focus benefits on the person and/or family and/or household, have no difference in payment schedule whether employed or not)
- nondeniability (should be extended to the items below)
- hospice care (for patients whose care requires professional skills and resources that family assisted living cannot provide)
- dental care
- vision care
- alternative medicine (i.e., complementary medicine including naturopathy and homeopathy)
- national licensing of alternative medical doctors
- national licensing of conventional medical doctors
- mental health (behavior health) care, also involving
- restoration and expansion of dedicated, residental, mental health hospitals
- This program would require modification of legal rights of mentally ill persons to "choose" not to be hospitalized
- restriction of community-based mental health care to supporting care provided by residential, mental health hospitals
- moving mentally ill persons (such as dual-diagnosis drug offenders) from prisons to dedicated mental health hospitals
- restoration and expansion of dedicated, residental, mental health hospitals
I would prefer reforms based upon private insurance based on:
- risk pools without a public option, including high risk and low-income or welfare pools into which all insurance carriers would contribute
- policy distinction between everyday medical care and catastrophic medical care.
If a public insurance option is inevitable, as it appears to be, I would prefer that the inclusion of the public insurance option be structured so as not to force out private insurance.
I have blogged about some of these issues here.
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