We can now see the dun pattern: dull smudges of cast iron showing through as the thin gold wears off the statue. In his "I won" dealings with Republicans over the stimulus, his coercion of banks to accept Treasury capital and his initial refusal to allow them to leave the new power arrangements if they paid Treasury back, his unsympathetic shutout of secured debt holders at GM and Chrysler, his summary execution of Chrysler dealers who contributed to the GOP. And now his latest mugging: he "wants to see" Israel, as sock puppet Secretary of State Clinton put it, stop all increase in settlements, including natural population increase. Jews should not reproduce. We are learning that in some matters, Obama's promises of discourse and rule of law idealism and smart diplomacy are masks for brute force. When he has the power, he will coerce others to do his bidding. This is the track record of socialist authoritarianism. We should have known how his election would turn out. What distinguishes those matters in which he uses muscle from those matters in which he reluctantly engages in negotiation that respects the rights of others? When he has someone by the balls. When he does, Obama is a presidential thug. I am embarrassed for America.
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