The predictable and predicted failures of Obama's childish anti-nuke policy, anti-proliferation policy, and Iranian policy have brought their predictable and predicted results: a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. The Saudis have started development of a nuclear weapon, supposedly with the blessing of Obama, who now sees a Saudi bomb as necessary for a regional nuclear balance of power in the Middle East (the Saudi Sunni bomb versus the Iranian Shiite bomb). As a further demonstration of his childish thinking, Obama thinks that the nuclear arms race will stop with the Saudis. Uh, huh, sure. The Egyptians? The Jordanians? Turkey? Will Libya get back into the act? More nukes means loose nukes.
Within a few years, all of Asia and the Middle East will be armed to the teeth with nukes, from China in the East to Pakistan and India into the Middle East. Can North Korea be far behind?
What will Japan do? As Obama has withdraw the American protective umbrella, Japan will be compelled to develop its own bomb.
What's next--a nuclear arms race in South America?
The Democratic Party's pacifist intellectual elite shares responsibility for this terrible development, for their moles inside the intelligence agencies of the Bush administratio produced the false assessment of Iran's nuclear program several years ago. That report politically tied President Bush's hands in trying to be tough with Iran. It also conceptually cleared politics for the advent of Obama's internationalist nonproliferation strataegy.
Obama's disasterous presidency has brought the nightmares, not the dreams, of the twentieth century into the twenty first century.
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