I ran my 2.3 mile route this morning. When I set out for the run, during the warm up, I felt good and looked forward to pushing myself. Instead of running 31/2 minute intervals, with 31/2 minute cool downs, I ran 7 minute intervals with 31/2 minute cool downs between them. Total of two 7 minute running intervals and one 31/2 minute interval at the end, approximately 17 and 1/2 100-yard intervals I used to run, or a mile. I had no problem deep breathing. I didn't get short of breath. More, I was able, by jogging rather than running, consistently to do abdominal breathing through my nostrils, rather than mouth breathing. This is the first time since November that I've had no problem deep breathing and managing my breathing. Why? What was the cause of the earlier breathing difficulty?
I ran in a light rain. Perhaps the rain washed the pollens to which I'm allergic out of the air. However, my deep breathing problems had been to consistent and persistent for four months, when I was running nearly every day, to attribute the problems to pollens.
Perhaps I'd finally recovered from drinking cow's milk in a milk whey protein supplement. In September-November, I drank a whey protein supplement to help with building muscle and stamina. It occurred to me one day that of course the whey was a cow's milk product and my naturopathic doctor had told me not to consume cow's milk products. I verified with him that cow's milk whey was not excepted from this injunction and I stopped taking the supplement. In 2005, when I first went off cow's milk, it took several months for the benefits to manifest themselves; perhaps it was the same this time. Perhaps I was able to breathe deeply again because I'd finally recovered from the cow's milk whey.
Perhaps I had some low-level virus that my immune system finally defeated. I started taking vitamin D3 in early September. Vitamin D3 boosts the immune system, but take several months for its benefits to manifest themselves. Maybe it just took that long for my immune system to succeed.
Whatever the reason, the fun felt wonderful and invigorating. The light rain was beautiful and Spring felt like it was at last here, after a month and half of la nina warm sun and no rain. Birds were singing, flocks of migrating robins were chirruping, red-headed woodpeckers were chopping away at the tops of palms, and black labrador retrievers delighted in the cool, moist air and the wet grass.
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