Really, what is the point of the in and out of custody, the hearings, the sentencings, the probation, the breaking of probation, the legal hoopla? Is Lindsay some kind of a bad person? Is she a danger to society? Really, is there any social necessity for the prosecution of this young and beautiful actress? When does prosecution turn into persecution?
How does she compare to the real business and the hugely funded false business of the legal system? We have a whole legal industry and special interest cotillion singing about the necessity to release millions of dangerous fellons from jail because of their race or color, a huge collection of young male losers, stoners, and druggies funded by rich fools lobbying to decriminalize marijuana and "recreational" abuse of more serious drugs, federal judges ruling that prisons aren't sufficiently comfortable for hardcore violent criminals, federal prosecutors working overtime to convict white collar criminals who have swindled or illegally obtained millions and millions of investor money, a federal attorney general whose illegally pursues a political agenda, a president who refuses to enforce the nation's laws over immigration -- if you wish to talk about really bad people running around loose in society. Beside this mountain range of criminals and bad persons, Lindsay Lohan's minor troubles are a waste of legal time. Maybe it's just because a largely white legal system wishes to meet this famous beauty. I suggest we declare the war against Lindsay Lohan is won, withdraw our troops, and leave her alone.
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