The homicide statistics for Chicago for 2012 (source: Redeye) illustrate how America's murder problem is a gang problem.
We do not have the race or ethnicity of the shooters, since almost none of the crimes have been through the courts yet, but we do know the race/ethnicity of the victims. Here we go:
515 homicides in Chicago City in 2012.
- 392 or 76% of all victims were black.
- 347 of the 392 black victims died of gunshot.
- 26 of the 392 black victims died from stabbing.
- 116 or 23% of the victims were white.
- Of the white victims, 79 (68% of all white victims and 15% of all victims ) had Hispanic surnames.
- Nearly all the homicide victims were male.
- Only 48 females were homicide victims.
What is the immediate cause of this slaughter of black men? We can discount that a conspiracy of non-Hispanic white persons perpetrated these murders, for certainly suspicion of such a collective racial crime would be the single most reported and investigated and discussed event in the nation, which has not occurred.
Nor is the problem, as a whole, caused by mentally ill young white men. Massacres are not typical and do not comprise a large percentage of murders.
Rather, the obvious cause of the great number of murders is murder by black males in the context of gang warfare, with some contribution by Hispanic gangs. This probability is supported by the FBI Uniform Crime statistics, reporting the race of the killers, which show that for years, young black males have been responsible for neary half of all murders - mostly murders of other young black men. There is little reason to doubt that Chicago 2012 will confirm this historical pattern.
How horrible is this gang warfare, which is waged in every large American city with a sizable black population?
It is as if a massacre as large as Sandy Hook elementary school - 26 killed victims - occurred every 18 days in Chicago! Gun control is not the issue. Gang control is.
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